Saturday, November 2, 2013

Introduction to History

History. It is generally considered a boring subject in school. It's the thing that everyone sleeps through and just blows off. I am here to tell you about why it's actually not that boring. There are tons of things in history, obscure and otherwise, that are actually pretty interesting. Things like the Australian army once having to fight a war against about 20,000 emu (which are kind of like ostrich).

I really enjoy reading. I have a huge library of books and a lot of those books are about interesting things that have happened in history. Those books have already given me tons of ideas to work with and everything the books talk about are interesting. Writing this blog may even make some people enjoy reading more. Writing about history like this also gives me a chance to describe some of the useless and/or cool facts that I have learned about history throughout the years. Since history is so long and there is so many interesting things to describe, I will hopefully not run out of anything to talk about this year. There's always something interesting to find out about in history, and even if it's not super interesting, it could be something funny, or it may not even be interesting to me but could be to someone else. The possibilities are almost endless.

Off the top of my head I can name a few interesting topics already. There was a Mexican President who was in office for only about 45 minutes, there was a time when the Lichtenstein army sent 80 soldiers to war and ended up coming back with 81 soldiers, and then there was the thing I mentioned earlier about Australia having to fight a war against Emu and then them basically losing it. Hopefully this blog will end up getting more people to like history and maybe even encourage other people to find interesting things in history that they like.

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